Friday, May 11, 2012

Wallaby spotted in Kent field

A woman taking her dog for a walk through a Kent field was left shocked when a wallaby bounded towards her.

Alex Pooley caught the cheeky creature on camera as she walked her dog Shackleton down a farm track in Pluckley. The 29-year-old said: “We were in a field near the train station and I saw what I thought was a giant hare, but then it moved and started hopping.

YouTube link.

“I was a bit surprised to say the least and the dog was off the lead at the time and he went off to investigate. They ran around for a couple of minutes and then he came back and I put him on the lead. Then I saw it hopping down the path towards us. It seemed pretty friendly and quite intrigued because it came right up to us.”

Grabbing her mobile phone, teacher Alex managed to film the animal before it once again hopped off. Wallabies are generally found in Australia though have been spotted in the UK including areas of Devon and East Sussex.


Gareth said...

Wallabies are not that uncommon in England. There are some surprisingly large colonies. I have seen them in Derbyshire and Staffordshire. I'm told there are also known colonies in Cornwall, the fens and Sussex. The latter being about twenty miles or so from where this one was sighted.

However the media do like to get into a tizz every so often when somebody spots one. As if they were totally unheard of.

Now if this had been a kangaroo it might have been newsworthy.

A surprised Brit said...

I never knew wallabies could be found in England in "not uncommon" numbers - this counts as news to me! I'll be keeping my eyes open if I'm in those areas.

Anonymous said...

The best place to see them is the peak district in Derbyshire.

Helsie said...

Sounds like it was a bit tame. Poor little thing was probably looking for a way to get home to the warm, dry land of Oz.